News Update, January 2010
Check out the Lowcarbonworks final report published in July 2009 and featuring several designer learning histories from across sectors including one from Local Government: Southampton District Energy.
This research work is all part of the EPSRC funded project Lowcarbonworks which concluded in July 2009.
Site Updates 24 July, 2008
The main update in past couple of months has been the addition of 20 mini stories of innovation told by those involved in the research.
Some comments are now coming into the site. For example a perspective on Merton by the former Leader there has been added. Check out the 'recent comments' heading in the Right Hand Panel for more comments.
Feedback on the site is that it is still unclear how readers might engage with it. Some of the navigation, posting and explanation has been improved to encourage comments - for instance see this posting on participating in the website, but we are still working on improving this.
Work at Bath & NE Somerset
Learning History research work has started with Bath & NE Somerset. You can read about this work here and the photo albums have been updated to reflect these new participants in the research.
Links to I&DeA community of practice
Links have been set up between this website and the I&DeAs community of practice of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change community. For more on this read on here
Updated 19th May, 2008
Since mid-April there have been quite a few changes to the site.
A welcome page - a gateway to the site
There is now a fixed home page which explains the website and makes it clearer to visitors (research participants as well as others) what the website is about.
Content additions I've started working through the story circles from the workshop. These are short 3 minute stories about sustainability projects or initiatives that are occurring right now. The "Incensed by Sustainability" stories have now been transcribed and are on the website.
What inhibits or enables carbon reduction? A photo album of the 13 clustered themes identified by participants is now available (in the Lhs bar)
More participant reflections on the workshop and the research have been added under the 'participating' category.
And a photo album of some of the research participants has been added in the right hand bar.
Improvements to Navigation, Look and Feel and Explanations. Overall the look and feel has been improved to make the site more intuitive and to help navigation. In addition to the welcome gateway page, I've also added a page about the research and details of how to navigate around that the user can refer to at any time via the left hand sidebar.
Coming Soon
More stories will be transcribed and posted.
Some commentary posts about the thematic output of the workshop will be added
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