Welcome to this Joint Learning History Website!
This Blog website charts a current history of how carbon reduction is coming about in Local Authorities in 2008. A handful of councils are known to have made great strides. Other councils are making changes too, but are less well known for it. What are their stories? And others are feeling blocked and disempowered from bringing about change. Why is this? What are the common themes and challenges?
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What you will find here
On this website you will find links to and discussions of the stories that lie behind innovative carbon reduction projects such as
Barnsley's use of Biomass Heating,
The Nottingham Declaration and
Southampton's District Energy scheme.
These stories are known as Learning Histories and can be downloaded from our main project website here.
But this website isn't just about 5 examples. It's a snapshot of projects, ideas, thoughts and stories from those who are participating in the research from councils and associated organisations across the UK. By browsing the site you will find:
20 Short stories that have been told about what's happening now in the field of carbon reduction.
Themes that are important when it comes to determining what enables or inhibits innovation for carbon reduction including
13 Common Themes that have been identified by those working in Local Authorities in the UK.
Pictures of a workshop event held in Bath in 2008 where some of the above stories and themes were gathered. Content is being added all the time. Bookmark this page and revisit occasionally to see what's new.
Join in!
Join in. Add your stories, comments. You can comment on any posts. Read more about taking part in this online conversation
Background - this is a piece of research!
This website is an experiment in communication and is all part of PhD action research that is looking at how learning and innovation for carbon reduction can be sped up. The project in turn is part of a public funded research project being led by the University of Bath called Lowcarbonworks (main project website here)
Read more about the research here.
Under the Participating category you can read more about who is participating and how they are engaging with the research.
Under the Reflecting category you can read what participants and the researcher think about this experiment.
Under the Researching category you can read about issues the researcher has faced with conducting this kind of research.
The following book: Research in action;Theories and practices for innovation and social change ISBN: 978-90-8686-087-6
Price (€): 31.00 may be of interest for you to purchase for your library or courses. Please see the link http://www.wageningenacademic.com/Mansholt06 The book can be purchased directly through us through the book link.
Kind regards from the publisher,
Posted by: Anne wals | January 08, 2009 at 09:46 AM