Photo story of the Learning History Workshop

  • LHAgenda_end
    "Achieving Carbon Reduction in Local Authorities - Tales of vision, chance and determination" - Bath, 2008.

Feedback on the workshop

  • During the workshop Tim Burns from Wastewatch & Sarah Coe from the LGA reflected on what they were finding interesting
    Click below to hear what they said. Categories "Participating" and "Reflecting" have more reflections from participants.

What inhibits or enables carbon reduction?

  • Admiring_themes_2
    View 13 themes identified by Local Authority research participants

« Nottingham LH: Readers relate it to their experiences | Main | Nottingham Declaration Learning History: Headline responses »

March 18, 2008


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Research Participants

  • BANES_smallgroupwork_pf
    Many people are involved in this research. Here are pictures of just some of them.