Posts are filed under different categories and usually they will belong to several categories at once. By clicking on one category you'll be able to see posts that just belong to that category. The categories have been chosen in such a way as to reflect an online version of a Learning History. Find out more about how these category choices reflect the desire to create an online Joint Learning History here.
Here's a rough guide to what you'll find in each category:
A learning history : (e.g. The Merton Rule): Any post that is related in some way to an individual Learning History. This could be a direct relationship e.g. a question resulting from reading it; or it could be an indirect relationship e.g. a story that someone is reminded of when they read the learning history.
All learning histories : Any post that says something about the set of Learning Histories. This could be a theme or comment that applies to several learning histories or it could relate to the Learning History methodology.
analysing - highlights themes that, either I as a researcher am finding across the histories, or themes that participants are highlighting as important in addressing carbon reduction.
explaining - If you're lost - click on this category! In here are posts that are explaining background to the research, how the site is structured and so on.
participating - a Learning History is a 'jointly told tale' (from Van Maanen's Tales of the field). There are several people participating in this research. In this category we refer to this process as well as introduce some of the participants.
questioning - engaging with the research raises questions. These might be about an individual learning history, about carbon reduction in general or about ideas related to the research.
reflecting - action research works in cycles of action and reflection. This category shows how particpants and the researcher are reflecting on the learning histories and on the process of the research.
researching - this category will describe posts relating to the process of researching in this way. This is a new way of doing research. Some of the decisions, questions and challenges relating to the research will be posted here.
storytelling - will hold different stories that are being told in relation to this Learning History research. Many of these were evoked in storytelling sessions at the workshop. But also stories of the research itself are included.
taking actions - The purpose of the research is to aid learning and increase and enable participants and others to take actions. Any posts relating to taking action will be posted here.
theorising - Some of what we are finding links to existing theories or, by analysing, we can start to build a practical theory of how innovation for carbon reduction comes about. Posts relating to theory will be categorised here.
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